Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I hate my curly hair.. help!!?

Ok, i got my hair curled yesterday, and it turned out horrible.

Its too frizzy and too big at the bottom ( its not exactly super frizzy, its more like wavy) but they are small waves since my hair is about up to my shoulders. and since the waves are so small it just looks big and frizzy.. anything that i can use to make my hair not frizzy, but not greasy or hard?(the feeling you get after you use gel)I hate my curly hair.. help!!?
I envy you- i wouldn't mind having curly hair! Maybe you could try using mousse.It doesn't make it greasy,instead it makes it hard-but it is great for holding hair in place.I hate my curly hair.. help!!?
While your hair is dripping wet work through a tiny tiny dot of frizz-ease hair serum. You can also use a bit of mouse if you think you need it. Stick to using picks or a wide tooth comb, stay away from brushes on wet or dry hair. Try to use a diffuser when you dry it. Don't dry your hair completely, just get it almost completely dry. Also you can work a itty tiny bit of the frizz ease into the ends when its dry.
Use some products that will help smooth and soften your curls as well as give it some bounce. There are lots of products you can choose from ranging from serums to help reduce the frizz and also product that help embrace curls. Be sure to moisturise it too, Kerastase's hair moisturiser is a good one to use.
non greasy frizz tamers include:

keastase oleo relax serum

loreal techniart liss control creme

these are the best-no grease no frizz. good luck

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