Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rough curly hair, help?

I have brown medium-curls, that are very rough and frizzy looking, is there any hair product( shampoo, cream,conditioner,serum,etc..) that I can use every day to make my hair softer and will fix the damage? Please no products that will make my hair greasy.Rough curly hair, help?
Firstly, it's hard to know which products will make your hair greasy. We cannot promise what we suggest will work with your hair. Lots of people have the same hair type as you, but cannot use the same products. It's about what your hair likes and doesn't like. You basically have to try lots of things until you find the products that your hair loves.

You have to constantly give your hair tons of moisture. Especially since your hair is curly. Curly hair people need lots and lots of moisture. I recommend that you try CO washing. It's conditioner only washing, you just replace the shampoo with a moisturizing conditioner, like V05, Suave, or White Rain. But you need to really work it in your scalp and hair. And scrub with the pads of your fingers, not your nails. Then leave it on and do your other shower things, then rinse out your hair really good.

Once your hair is damp, apply a generous amount of leave-in conditioner and scrunch it in your hair. This will help define your curls and give it more moisture.

For frizzness, you should try aloe vera gel (the clear kind), not the kinds that have alcohol or numbing agents. You use just a little bit of this and run it over your hair to tame down the frizz that you see. This is good to use a leave-in as well and works as a natural hair gel.

Last thing you can try is oils. Unrefined coconut oil helps to lock in moisture. You can apply this to damp hair, you don't need much. Just enough to get a shiny glaze on your palms. And apply it on your ends or scrunch it in your curls.

Good luck. :]Rough curly hair, help?
Redken conditioner makes my hair so soft, its specifically for frizzy/dry hair. Redken smooth down conditioner
S curl spray moisturizer. Its in Walmart, Dollar general, etc. Kids organics Shea butter lotion.
try going to i have very curly hair and it has worked amazingly for me (:
i really like dove %26amp; aussie.
  • star makeup
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